Idea: A company that delivers, to your door, a hot tub filled with water and ready to go. Other companies deliver hot tubs. But we are the only company that fills our tubs with water before we hit the road. This unique service appeals to under-served niches in the luxury, super-luxury, and Caligu-luxury markets. Fact: No existing company delivers party-ready hot tubs filled with water, much less water at a consistent temperature of between 90 and 250 degrees.
Delivery time: 30 minutes to 19 hours, depending on traffic
Potential names for company: Tubtruckers, Hot Tub On-Time Machine, Johnny on the Spa,The Piping Hot Tub, One Hundred Fifty Men and a Truck, Old Squealie’s Truck and Tub, Party Spillers
Initially appealing names for company that turn out to be bad: Soaked Lightning (implies buyer will be struck by lightning), Hot Tub Toot Sweet (implies buyer will fart), I Can’t Believe It Came So Hot (copyrighted)
Our story: The Rolling Boil hot tub delivery company started with just one driver and a single flatbed truck, on New Year’s Day of 1983. Joey and that truck were still frozen to the four-way stop immediately outside our office when the company purchased its second truck and hired its second driver, Carl. Through trial and error, over three decades and many marriages, Carl has discovered the secret to delivering filled, hot hot tubs to all but the most low-lying customers.
Target market: princes, lottery winners, daredevils, impulsive perverts, cocaine dealers who are housesitting, Bay Area
Market state: robust
Barriers to entry: stairs
Need a hot tub delivered in Missoula? Oasis Hot Spring Spa and Sauna will deliver one to your home or business, presumably unfilled. They have not endorsed or, at press time, become aware of this stupid post. I just wanted to put a link in it.