I write essays, journalism, humor, criticism, fiction and screenplays full time in exchange for money. Fees for byline work vary by project and publication. If you’d like to talk to me about writing for your publication, please email me at:


In addition to byline work, I provide copywriting and editing services on both an hourly and per-word basis. For a quote, send a description of your project and its timeline to brooksdan[at]gmail[dot]com.



  1. Hello Dan Brooks,
    I enjoyed reading your article on Dismaland. Guardian, I think. But have now drunk too much vodka to offer you up anything particularly worthwhile or even coherent enough to bother you with.
    Anyway, have an excellent day,


  2. I really liked your abandonment article in this week’s Indy and it makes me think that you might be Decent person! I have few single/ divorced friends and am now wondering for them if you are straight and single.

  3. I am brazilian and I liked your article about the disappearing plutonomy paper
    Please keep writing

  4. Your opinion printed in the Dec Independent on griz sports and Hauck was very good. I want to share this relevant quote from Jackson Katz :
    “We talk about how many women were raped last year, not how many men raped women. We talk about how many girls in a school district were harassed last year, not about how many boys harassed girls. We talk about how many teenage girls in the state of Vermont got pregnant last year, rather than how many boys and men impregnated teenage girls.” Katz then proceeds to point out how, simply by using passive language, we absolve men of all responsibility: “Even the term ‘violence against women’ is problematic…It’s a bad thing that happens to women, but when you look at that term, ‘violence against women,’ nobody is doing it to them. It just happens to them…Men aren’t even a part of it.”

  5. Thanks for your article on Cards Against Humanity – I encountered it (Australian version) or the first time at a New Years party last night and wish I hadn’t. Leaving the party there was a part of me that wanted to be washed in disinfectant – thanks again for putting voice to those feelings.
    Happy New Year.

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