It’s possible that Fred Van Valkenburg’s plan to sue the Department of Justice rather than submit to an investigation of his office has nothing to do with Reel Big Fish’s show at the Wilma Sunday night. They’re happening at the same time, though, so Kant would say that one is as good a cause for the other as anything else. And Kant isn’t the only one. The RBF show and Van Valkenburg’s mad temporizing are the two subjects of two opinion pieces I have in the Indy this week, so they are inextricably linked in my mind. Regular readers of Combat! will recognize our old friend the rabbinical story of the cracked plate in at least one. They will also return, hopefully, for Friday links tomorrow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to stare open-mouthed at live updates about Chris Christie.
Ha! Yeah, I spent my Christmas Eve at the 5th Semi-annual Coincidental Night of Klezmer and my December 26 on a first date with what turned out to be a 38 year-old ska aficionado. Only one of those was a bad choice. Your apparent affinity for ska notwithstanding (the instruments, perhaps? The playing of the instruments?), I was pretty impressed with how much in common a 38 year-old ska fan in 2013 could have with the 17 year-old ska fans I left in the 90’s…
…silly about stuff that should be serious, and serious about what is undeniably silly….