Remember yesterday when I was like, “come back tomorrow for Friday links?” I was just messing with you, bro. By the time you read this, I will be at my brother’s commencement, supporting my family and only coincidentally shirking my duties. There are no Friday links today. It may not even be Friday, for all I know. You can probably console yourself, however, by watching these assholes overthrow the US government. Unless these assholes are right, and the original assholes are running a false flag operation to ensnare other assholes who trust them. I seriously lost several hours this week untangling the web of imagined conspiracies and counter-conspiracies that is the collision of the Truther movement and Operation American Spring. But man, I can’t wait for the economic boom after all federal taxes are abolished. I’m going to go ahead and post this Thursday night and assume it will all happen according to plan.
As a reader who routinely checks to see if a post is up before your regular 9-10am window, I appreciate you posting this the night before, so I can get on with my slightly diminished day.