I am not as good as this guy, but I do have a column in the Indy this week, in which I lament that the federal shutdown has caused a political stalemate in my household over my “work” habits. I thought that it had been published just in time, as the House GOP is meeting today to discuss a plan to raise the debt limit through November 22 with no strings attached. But that plan would not do anything about the shutdown, presumably so that the Republican Party can complete its metamorphosis into two beautiful butterflies, each with one wing. We’re not out of the woods yet, dear reader. We’ll be back tomorrow with Friday links.
That was a pretty sweet column. My funny bone is connected to the part of my brain that appreciates overblown constitutional rhetoric.
“Are we to live in a country where every bill that is passed by Congress, ratified by the chief executive and upheld by the Supreme Court becomes a law? Such a system would make a mockery of American liberty. Every elected representative would become a lawmaker, and every hardworking writer a slave to the girlfriend-utility complex.”