What’s green and sticky and lives in my throat and ears, breeding several times each hour? I don’t know either, but probably I need antibiotics. Combat! blog is sick again, with an illness that suspiciously resembles the brutal flu/throat combo I had in February, again in April, and pretty much anytime I miss a few hours of sleep. Is it some new super-illness that resists modern medicine and promises to return the specter of disease to American life? Probably not, but it does represent a new frontier in complaining. While I pity self, how about you read this article about what George Lucas did when his neighbors in Marin County tried to prevent him from building a new studio at Skywalker Ranch. Hint: it rhymes with “build low-income housing instead.” Take that, wealthy neighbors!
I’m sick too! I just slept for 12 hours. But my sleeping was punctuated by waking up in cold sweat and having to readjust the towels I had wrapped around my body for that purpose.
Test for radon.