Combat! blog flies through air, isn’t useful


By the time you read this, I will be winging my way to New York for the wedding of Miracle Mike Sebba. There is no Combat! blog to speak of today, so why don’t you fitfully amuse yourself by/after reading my column in the Missoula Independent? A lot of you have been writing in to ask about Governor Bullock’s proposed $400 property tax rebates for owners, and whether it would just be better to cut property taxes for corporations and individuals across the board. In terms of sheer number of reader emails, that subject is second only to requests for more drank rap. We’ll be back tomorrow with Friday links and probably drank rap.

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  1. I need to start organizing. None of my requests are being heard. I’m going to start campaigning in your inbox.

    Priority 1: Write something about the freelance writing business model . How much do you make? How secure is your career? How does work find you? What challenges do you face? What kind of payment would you require to ghostwrite something that disagreed with your views re: politics, lying, and drank rap, e.g. The Overton Window?

    Priority 2: Write about your quest as an artist. How did you discover your potential? How did you painstakingly develop it? How can I write metaphors that are funny instead of ones that involve objects around my computer?

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