Combat! blog flies through air, is abuseful


Our long, cross-continental journey draws to an end today, and Combat! blog will spend the next 12 hours in various states of waiting and transport. Or we’ll get stuck in Denver again. Either way, though, there is no blog today. Those of you who just can’t live without my mellifluous typographical errors can read this editorial in the Missoula Independent, in which I am mean to state representative David Howard. He deserves it. Or, if your taste in absurdity runs toward the physical, there’s also this compilation of Russian dash cam videos:


So maybe there is something to be said for air travel. I’ll see you tomorrow, or possibly Monday, or maybe from a smoking crater in the Nebraska plains. Probably the first one.


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  1. I am thoroughly entertained. The Herald article made me laugh out loud and the car crash video was much less graphic and much more entertaining than I expected.

  2. Your Independent opinion piece on Rep. Howard was a great read. Get ready for some blowback, though. For example, a letter to the editor that starts with:

    Dear America-hating commie pussy atheist …

    On the other hand, sarcasm is often lost on these folks so they might see you as a kindred spirit — maybe even a leader in their movement.

    Either way, keep up the good work.

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