Well, I’ve moved Combat! to an externally-hosted WordPress platform, sort of. And it works, kinda. I’ll level with you—Combat! looks like complete shit right now, and I barely know how to make WordPress work, and I’ve thus far only been able to figure out how to import the last five posts, and all of the images got screwed up, and asterisks look like they’re going to be damn near impossible. But on the plus side, search engine optimization! I’ve installed the most customizable blog theme I can find, and just as soon as I figure out how to actually configure it I will restore Combat! to its former, aesthetically stunning glory. In the meantime, if you miss the old posts formatted in the old way, you can always point your browser to the old site. I’ll keep hacking away at the new one, and of course the stream of angry, incoherent complaints about contemporary American consumer culture will be unstemmed. Bear with us, Combatants. Your loyalty will be rewarded, probably in the afterlife.
Congrats! I just gave up on my dot mac (dot me, whatever) subscription entirely–all of the backup and other tools are available in other ways for free: http://theappleblog.com/2008/11/12/break-away-from-mobileme-seven-services-to-help-you-make-the-move/
Testing Testing One Two Three Testing
Speaking of f’ed up asterisks… Dan, are you a Chili Peppers fan?
No, that is an unfortunate graphic similarity. I’m an ephemera fan. Blood Sugar Sex Magik is okay, I guess.